Doctorat : références bibliographiques



[AHO 83] Aho, A.V., Hopcroft, J.E., Ullman, J.D., Data structure and algotihms, Addison-Wesley, London, 1983.

[ART 90] Artiba, A., Contribution à la construction d'un système d'aide à la planification et à l'ordonnancement de lignes parallèles multiproduits, Thèse de Doctorat 90-23, Université de Valencienne, France, 1990.

[ART 91] Artiba, A., Les systèmes experts : concepts fondamentaux, Facultés Universitaires Catholiques de Mons-Belgique, 1991.

[AUB 85] Aubert, J.-P., Schomberg, R., Pratiquez l'intelligence artifielle, Eyrolles, Paris, 1985.

[AXS 87] Axsäter, S., "An extension of the Extended Basic Period Approach for Economic Lot Scheduling Problems", Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications vol.52 n°2 (1987) 179-189.


[BAK 74a] Baker, K.R., Introduction to Sequencing and Scheduling, Wiley, New York, 1974.

[BAK 74b] Baker, K.R., and Su, Z.S., "Sequencing with due dates and early start times to minimize tardiness", Naval Research Logistic Quarterly 21 (1974) 171-176.

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[BEL 86] Bel, G., Bensana, E., et Dubois D., "Un système d'ordonnancement prévisionnel d'atelier utilisant des connaissances théoriques et pratiques", actes des 6èmes journées internationales sur les systèmes experts et leurs applications, Avignon, France, (1986) 757-770.

[BEL 87] Bel, G., Bensana, E., et Dubois, D., "Construction d'ordonnancement prévisionnels : un compromis entre approches classiques et systèmes experts", Deuxième conférence Internationale "Système de production", Paris (1987) 709-726.

[BEN 86] Benchimol, G., Levine, P. et Pomerol, J.-C., Systèmes experts dans l'entreprise, Gestion et productique, Hermes, Paris, 1986.

[BON 84] Bonnet, A., L'intelligence Artificielle : Promeses et Réalités, InterEditions, Paris, 1984.

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[BRA 91] Bratko, I., Prolog : Programming for Artificial Intelligence, Addison-Wisley, 1990.

[BRO 88] Brown, R., "Knowledge-based Scheduling and Resource Allocation in the CAMPS Architecture", Intelligent Manufacturing (1988) 165-1986.

[BRU 86] Bruno, G., Elia, A., and Laface, P., "A Rule-Based System to Schedule Production", IEEE (1986) 32- 40.


[CAR 82] Carlier, J., "The one machine sequencing problem", European Journal of Operational Research 11 (1982) 42-47.

[CAR 88] Carlier, J., et Chrétienne, Ph., Problèmes d'ordonnancement : modélisation/complexité/algorithmes, Masson, Paris, 1988.

[CHA 87] Chatain, J.N., et Dussauchoy, A., Systèmes experts : méthodes et outils, Eyrolles, Paris, 1987.

[CHE 89] Cheng, T.C.E., and Gupta, M.C., "Survey of scheduling research involving due date determination decisions", European Journal of Operational Research 38 (1989) 156-166.

[CHU ] Chu, C. and Portmann, M.-C., "Application of Artificial Memory in Job-Shop Scheduling", ????? 154- 159.

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[COL 88] Collinot, A., Le Pape, C., and Pinoteau, G., " SONIA : a knowledge-based scheduling system", Artificial Intelligence in Engineering vol.3 n°2 (1988) 86-94.

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[COU 83] Courbon, J.C., "Les SIAD : outils, concepts et mode d'action", AFCET/INTERFACE 9 (1983) 30-36.


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[DIN 88] DINCBAS,M., and al., "The Constraint Logic Programming CHIP", Proceeding of the International Conference on Fifth Generation Computer Systems, ICOT, 1988, pp. 693-702.

[DOB 87] Dobson, G., "The Economic Lot Scheduling Problem : Acheiving Feasibility Using Time Varying Lot Sizes", Opns. Res., n° 10 (1987), pp.764-771.

[DOL 73] Doll, C.L., and Whybark, D.C., "An iterative procedure for the single-machine multi-product lot scheduling problem", Management Sciences vol.20 n°1 (1973) 50-55.

[DUB 85] Dubois, D., et Prade, H., Théorie des possibilités. Applications à la représentation des connaissances en informatique, asson, Paris, 1985.

[DUB 86] Dubois, D., Bel, G., Farreny, H. and Prade, H., "Vers l'emploi des systèmes experts flous pour le pilotage de systèmes manufacturiers", In Pruvost, J.-C. (coordinateur), Point en Productique, vol.1 : Technique et Documentation, Lavoisier, Paris, 1986, 55-63.

[DUF 87] Dufay, Br., L'intelligence Artificielle : question de langage, Science et Découverte, Ed. du Rocher, 1987.

[DUV 88] Duvigneaud, M., Initiation à Prolog, ICHEC-Entreprise, Bruxelles, 1988.


[EIL 78] Eilon, S., "Production scheduling", in K.B. Haley, (ed.), OR'78, North-Holland, Amsterdam 1978, 237-266.

[ELM 78] Elmaghraby, S.E., "The economic lot scheduling problem (ELSP): review and extensions", Management Sciences vol.24 n°6 (1978) 587-598.

[ERN 88] Ernst, Chr., Introduction aux systèmes experts de gestion, 3° éd., Eyrolles, Paris, 1988.


[FAR 83] Farreny, H., "Les systèmes experts", Informatique de gestion, partie 1, (1983) n°142 66-72, n°143 52- 57.

[FAR 84] Farreny, H., Lisp, A B C des langages, Masson, Paris, 1984.

[FAR 85] Farreny, H., Les systèmes experts : principles et exemples, Tech; Avancée de l'Informatique, Cepadues Ed., Toulouse, 1985.

[FAR 90] Farreny, H., et Ghallab, M., Eléments d'intelligence artificielle, Hermès, Paris, 1990.

[FLO ] Florian, M., Trepant, R., and Mac Mahon, G., "an explicit enumeration algorithm for the machine sequencing problem", Management Science 17 ( ) 782-792.

[FOR 84] Forsyth, R., Expert System : principles and case studies, Chapman and Hall Computing, London, 1984.

[FOX 82] Fox, M.S., Allen, B., and Strhom, G., "Job-shop scheduling : An Investigation in Constrainst-Directed Reasoning", Proc. of the 2nd National Conf. on A.I. (1982) 155-158.

[FOX 83] Fox, M.S., and al., "ISIS : A Constraints-Directed Reasoning Approach to Job Shop Scheduling", IEEE (1983) 76-81.

[FOX 84] Fox, M.S., and Smith, S.F., "ISIS - a knowledge-based system for factory scheduling", ???? vol.1 n°1 (1984) 25-49.

[FOX 87] Fox, M. Constrainst-Directed Search: A Case Study of Job-Shop Scheduling, Pitman, London, 1987.

[FRA 85] Frabolot, "L'ordonnancement en atelier par système expert : un exemple d'application", Renault automation/SERI, 1985.

[FRE 82] French, S., Sequencing and Scheduling, Ellis Horwood, Chichester, 1982.


[GAL 86] Gale, W.A., Artificial intelligence & statistics, Addison-Wesley, 1986.

[GAL 88] Gallego, G., "Real Time Scheduling of M Products on a Single Facility With Setups and backorders", Ph.D. Dissertation, Cornell University, Ithaca, N.Y. (1988).

[GAR 79] Garey, M.R., and Johnson, D.S., Computersand Intractability:A Guide to the Theory of NP- Completeness, Freeman, San Francisco, 1979.

[GIA 85] Giannesini, F., Kanoui, H., Pasero, R., Van Caneghem, M., Prolog, InterEditions,Paris, 1985.

[GLA 68] Glassey, C.R., "Minimum change-over scheduling of several products on one machine", Operations Research16 (1968) 342-352.

[GOL 82] Goldstein, I.P., and Roberts, B., "Using Frames in scheduling", in "A.I. : An MIT Perspective", MIT Press,Cambridge, Mass. vol.1 (1982) 255-284.

[GON 85] Gondran, M., Introduction aux systèmes experts, 2° éd., Eyrolles, Paris, 1985.

[GUN 86] Gunter, S., "A Time-Variant-Cycle-Time Solution of the Economic Lot Scheduling Problem", Working Paper, College of Business and Economics, West Virginia University, Morgantown (1986).

[GUP 84] Gupta, J.N.D., "Optimal schedules for single facility with two job classes", Computer and Operations Research11 (4) (1984) 409-413.

[GUP 86] Gupta, J.N.D., and Darrow, P., "The two-machine sequence dependent flowshop scheduling problem", European Journal of Operational Research 24 (1986) 439-446.

[GUP 88] Gupta, J.N.D., "Single facility scheduling with multiple job classes", European Journal of Operational Research 8 (1988) 42-45.


[HAR 85] Harmon, P., King, D., Expert Systems, Artificial Intelligence in Business, John Wiley and sons, New York, 1985.

[HAR 91] Harhalakis, G., and Proth, J.M., " some open problems in the design and use of modern production systems", Applied stochastic models and data analysis vol.7 (1991) 33-45.

[HOC ] Hocine, A., Deschamps, R., Lavielle, N., and Madiou, H., "Ordonnancement de tâches à l'aide d'un système hybride mixant objets structurés et porgrammation logique", Université de Pau et des Pays de l'Adour, France.

[HSU 83] Hsu, W.-L., "On the general feasability test of scheduling lot sizes for several products on one machine", Management Sciences vol.29 n°1 (1983) 93-105.


[JAF 87] JAFFAR, J., et MICHAYLOV, S., "Methodology and Implementation of a Constraint Logic Programming System", Proceeding of the Fourth International Conference on Logic Programming, Melbourne, 1987, MIT Press, pp. 196-218.

[JOH 54] Johnson, S.M., "Optimal Two and Tree-stage Production Schedules with Setup Times Included", Naval Research Logistics Quartely vol.1 n°1 (1954) 61-68.

[JOU ] JOURDAN, J., et Valdés-Pérez, R., "Constraint Logic Programming Applied to Hypothetical Reasoning in Chemistry", School of Computer Science, Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, USA.


[KAN 87] Kanet, J.J., et Adelsberger, H.H., "Expert systems in production scheduling", European Journal of Operational Research 29 (1987) 51-59.

[KAR 92] Karkan, J.M., Fondements des systèmes experts et illustration avec VP-Expert, UCL-ESPO-IAG- QANT, Louvain-La-Neuve, Belgique, 1992.

[KAU 73] Kaufmann, A., Introduction à la théorie des sous-ensembles flous, 4 volumes, Masson, Paris, 1973/1974.

[KAU 87a] Kaufmann, A., Nouvelles logiques pour l'intelligence artificielle, Hermès, Paris, 1987.

[KAU 87b] Kaufmann, A., Les Expertons, Hermès, Paris, 1987.

[KAU 88] Kaufmann, A., Les logiques humaines et artificielles, Collection "Technologies de pointe", Hermès, Paris, 1988.

[KER 88] Kerr, R.M., et Ebsary, R.V., "Implementation of an expert system for production scheduling", European Journal of Operational Research 33 (1988) 17-29.

[KUS 88] Kusiak, a., et Chen, M., "Expert systems for planning and scheduling manufacturing systems", European Journal of Operational Research 23 (1988) 113-130.


[LAG 76] Lageweg, B.J., Lenstra, J.K., and Rinnoy Kan, A.H.G., "Minimising maximum lateness on one machine: computational experience and some applications", Statistica Neerlandica 30 (1976) 25-41.

[LAU 83] Laurière, J.L., "Représentation et utilisationes connaissances, Partie 1 : Les systèmes experts," TSI,1, n°1 (1983) 25-42.

[LAU 87] Laurière, J.L., Intelligence artificielle : résolution de problèmes par l'homme et la machine, Eyrolles, Paris, 1987.

[LEC ] Lecomte, C., et Dejax, P., "Vers un système interactif d'aide à la décision expert pour l'ordonnancement et le pilotage des flux d'un atelier travaillant à la commande". ????.

[LEE 85] Lee, c., and Denardo, E., "Economic Lot Scheduling Problem : Test of Feasibility and Heuristic Method", Research Report, Industrial & System Engineering Department, University of Florida, Gainesville (1985).

[LEE 88] Lee, J.K., and Suh, M.S., "PAMS : A Domain-specific Knowledge-based Parallel Machine Scheduling System", Expert Systemsvol.5 n°3 (Aug. 1988) 198-214.

[LEP 85] Le Pape, C., and Sauve, B., "SOJA : un système d'ordonnancement journalier d'atelier", 5èmes Journées Internationales "Les systèmes experts & leurs applications" vol.2 (1985) 849-867.

[LEP 88] Le Pape, C., Des systèmes d'ordonnancement flexibles et opportunistes, Thèse de docteur en Sciences, Université de Paris-Sud, Centre d'Orsay, 1988.

[LIN 86] Lings, Br., Information structures : a uniform approach usin Pascal, Chapman & Hall Computing, New York, 1986.

[LUC 92] Luce, T., Using VP-Expert in Business, McGraw-Hill, New York, 1992.


[MEL 85] Mellish, C.S., Computer Interpretation of Natural Language Description, Ellis Horwood Limited, Chichester, 1985.

[MES 91] Meskens, N., Présentation de Nexpert Object, Facultés Universitaires Catholiques de Mons-Belgique, 1991.


[NEX 88] Nexpert Object, Intellia s.a., Paris, 1988.


[O'S 84] O'Shea, T., Eisenstadt, M., Artificial Intellignece : tools, techniques, and applications, Harper & Row, New York, 1984.

[ORC 84] Orciuch, Ed., and Frost, J., "ISA : Intelligent Scheduling Assistant", IEEE (1984) 314-320.


[PAQ 90] Paquette, G., et Bergeron, A., L'intelligence Artificielle : comprendre et prolonger l'intelligence humaine, manuel de base, Télé-université, Québec, 1990.

[PIN 81] Pinson, S., "Représentation des connaissances dans les systèmes experts", RAIRO Informatique / Computer Science vol.15 n°4 (1981) 343-367.

[POR 88] Portmann, M.-C., "Méthodes de décomposition spaciale et temporelle en ordonnancement de la production", APII Systèmes de production 22 (1988) 439-451.

[POR 91] Portmann, M.-C., and Xie, X., "Gestion de production : approches de résolution et perspectives de recherches", Actes des Journées Combinatoire et Enseignement de la R.O. de l'A.F.C.E.T., Université de Valenciennes, juin 1991.

[PRO 88] Proust, C., Drogou, M., Foucher, J.M., et Foucheyrand, E., "Une heuristique pour le problème d'ordonnancement statique de type n / m / flow-shop avec prise en compte des temps de montage et démontage d'outils", APII Systèmes de production 22 (1988) 453-470.

[PSA 80] Psaraftis, H.N., "A dynamic programming approach for sequencing groups of identical jobs", Operations Research 28 (6) (1980) 1347-1359.


[RIC 87] Rich, E., and Knight, K., Intelligence Artificielle, Masson, Paris, 1987.

[RIC 91] Rich, E., and Knight, K., Artificial Intelligence,McGraw-Hill, New York, 1991.

[ROL 88] Rolland, C;, Foucaut, O., and Benci, G., Conception des systèmes d'information : la méthode REMORA, éditions Eyrolles, Paris, 1988.

[ROS 84] Rose, F., L'intelligence Artificielle : Histoire d'une recherche scientifique, Payot, Paris, 1996

[ROU 89] Roundy, R., "Rounding Off to Powers of Two in Continous Relaxations of Capacitated Lot Sizing Problems", Mgmt. Sci., n°35 (1989), pp.1433-1442.

[ROY 85] Roy, B., Méthodologie multicritère d'aide à la décision, édition Economica, 1985.


[SAH 74] Sahney, V.K., "Single server, two-machine sequencing problem with switching times", Operations Research 20 (1) (1972) 24-36. Also, see his Errata, Operationals Research 22 (1974) 1120.

[SCH 83] Schweitzer, P., and Silver, E., "Matematical Pitfalls in the One Machine Multiproduct Economic Lot Scheduling Problem", Opns. Res., n°31 (1983), pp.401-405.

[SMI 56] Smith, W.E., "Various optimizers for single stage production", Naval Research Logistics Quarterly 3 (1) (1956) 59-66.

[SMI 85] Smith, S.F., and Ow, P.S., "The use of multiple problem decompositions in time constrained planning task", Intl. Joint Conf. on Artificial Intelligence, Los Angeles (1985) 1013-1015.

[SMI 86a] Smith, S.F., Fox, M.S., and Ow, P.S., "Constructing and Maintaining Detailed Production Plans : Investigations into the Developpement of Knowledge-Based Factory Scheduling Systems", FALL (1986) 45-61.

[SMI 86b] Smith, S.F., Ow, P.S., Le Pape, C., McLaren, B., and Muscettola, N., " Integrating Multiple Scheduling Perspectives to Generate Detailed Production Plans", Proc. SME Conf. an AI in Manufacturing, Long Beach, California, (1986) 2.123-137.

[SMI 88] Smith, S.F., "A Constrainst-Based Framework for Reactive Management of Factory Schedules", Intelligent Manufactoring(1988) 113-130.

[STE 86] Steffen, M.S., "A survey of Artificial Intelligence Based Scheduling Systems", Proceedings of the Fall Industrial Conference, Boston, Massachusset (1986) 395-405.

[SUL 82] Sule, D.R., "Sequencing n Jobs on Two Machines with Setup, Processing and Removal Times Separated", Naval Research Logistics Quarterly 29 (1982) 517-519.

[SUL 83] Sule, D.R., and Huang, K.Y., "Sequencing on two and three machines with setup, processing and removal times separated", Int. J. Prod. Res. vol.21 n°5 (1983) 723-732.

[SZW 87] Szwarc, W., and Gupta, J.N.D., "A flowshop Problem with Sequence-Dependent Additive Setup Times", Naval Research Logistics Quarterly 34 (1987) 619-627.


[TUR 91] Turner, R.S., " Nexpert object", IEEE expert (dec.1991) 72-77.


[WEG 87] Wegnez, L., A la recherche de l'Intelligence : du cerveau humain au cerveau électronique vers l'intelligence artificielle, Off. Inter. de Librairie, Bruxelles, 1987.

[WER 85] Wertz, H., LISP : une introduction à la programmation, Masson, Paris, 1985.

[WHI 77] White, C.H., and Wilson, R.D., "Sequence dependent setup times and job sequencing", International Journal of Productions Research15 (2) (1977) 191-202.


[YOS 79] Yoshida, T., and Hitomi, K., "Optimal two-stage production scheduling with setup times separated", AIIE Transactions 11 (1979) 261-263.


[ZIP 91] Zipkin, P.H., "Computing optimal lot sizes in the economic lot scheduling problem", Management Sciences vol.39 n°1 (1991) 56-63.

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Auteur : Yves DELVIGNE <yves.delvigne@swing.be>